You're becoming a Ctrl + Frk, my love,
U R...
Every time I ENTER I feel a desperate need to ESC,
This place is out HOME not some wacky SPACEBAR.

There was no need to DEL the peace in out sleepy home
and INSERT digital insanity in every living centimetre,
INTRO alienation where there should be trust.
This is no way for rational human beings to Fn* .

Perhaps we should Alt + N + 8 from time to time;
Put on our CAPS LOCK the front door and go for a stroll,
SHIFT our minds to towards the inspirations that come from real life
...the innocence that beams from that child's eyes,
look a bit deeper, dear, you shivered and turned away without noticing anything
(why are small children so happy but most adults so miserable?) ...

...that sunset on our left, isn't it spectacular?

What's that noise?
your bloody mobile.
I guess I'll be enjoying the rest of the sights


while you natter with who-knows-who about 

Note: Thanks to the original artists behind these photos (which are not mine) and the websites that provided them.

Colin Firth cloned!

Some kind of science-fiction horror story? No, it's the latest in the movie-star search for eternal youth.  Colin Firth's clone was presented to the press this morning. So as not to confuse the public, the newer Colin Firth model will be called Colin Thecond.
Advanced laser treatment allows the DNA to be perfectly copied, reproduced and altered.  Colin Thecond (left) is exactly  eighteen years younger than Colin Firth (right).